100% all natural bath bombs with fresh dried flowers

About Me

My name is Ausra and I’m originally from Lithuania. I have traveled the world and have studied many different cultures and religions. I settled in the Orlando, Florida area about 10 years ago and have two beautiful daughters.

I come from a family of artists and craftsmen. My grandmother used to sew her own clothing and made beautiful dresses. She taught my mother to sew clothes and tapestries. My mom was so good she won contests in Lithuania for her tapestries.

My grandfather built his house with his own hands and my grandmother decorated it with her tapestries. It was a beautiful cottage in the country.

My mother instilled in me my work ethic. She taught me that hard work is the only way to reap rewards. She was right.

Mom now splits her time between her two homes in Lithuania. She loves to garden and spends her summer days tending it and grows the best tasting strawberries ever!

Today, I’m trying to instill a good work ethic in my daughters and help guide them on their path in life. They are the joy of my life.

We are all very spiritually grounded and make a conscious decision to be close to mother earth and we try to do our part to help her. The fairies like that, too.

Wishing you and your family all the best!
